Kouto Project

Koulou’s wholly 100% owned 298.46 km2 Kouto project (PR 916) is located in northwestern Côte d’Ivoire on the north-northeast trending Syama greenstone belt adjacent to and along strike from Aurum Resources 1.6 Moz Au Boundiali project (see Aurum Resources press release dated December 30, 2024) (Figure 1) and approximately 120 km northeast of Montage Gold’s 3.15 Moz Au Koné project, see Montage Gold press release dated December 18, 2024. The Kouto Project was staked by Koulou and the permit was granted on March 2, 2023.

Geology: underlain by a highly-strained volcano-sedimentary package and voluminous granitic intrusions. The regional structural trend is defined by steeply dipping to sub-vertical, NNE trending, bedding sub-parallel S1 schistosity, and high-strain zones (Figure 1).

Mineralisation: The gold-in-soil anomaly at Kouto is constrained to a highly-strained volcano-sedimentary package and spatially associated with a magnetic-high anomaly observed in the regional magnetic analytical signal map (Figure 1).

Exploration Success: 10.0 km x 5.0 km gold-in-soil anomalous corridor outlined from 69 BLEG samples and 6,200 soil samples (400m x 50m grid) has yet to be drill tested.

Figure 1. Kouto Project Overview. a) Regional Overview map displaying Aurum Resources prospect locations included in the maiden 1.6Moz inferred resource underlain by regional magnetic analytical signal map and structural interpretation (polygons depicting the location and size of Aurum’s prospects may not be accurately represented), see Aurum Resources press release dated Decembre 30, 2024; b) Soil results, proposed soil grids, and drone-mag survey area

Future Exploration:

Surface Geochemistry

  • 25m x 800m Regional coverage soil grid on the western margin marking the contact of a sheared granitic intrusion, sedimentary rocks, and mafic volcanic rocks (Figure 1).
  • 50m x 200m soil infill grid will be placed over the existing anomalous corridor to refine drill targeting (Figure 1).
  • Completed, results expected in Q1 2025.


  • A 100m line-spacing drone magnetic survey is underway, with results expected in Q1 2025.


  • A maiden drill program will systematically test the gold-in-soil anomaly at depth.