Koulou Gold Corp.
1570 – 1111 West Georgia Street,
Vancouver, BC V6E 4M3
Assuéfry Project
The 335.88km2 Assuéfry exploration permit was granted on December 5, 2024, to Tropic Mining Group (TMG). Koulou Gold holds an option to earn up to 90% interest in the Project. Assuéfry is underlain by the same Tarkwaian-like Koun-Tanda basin and Birimian volcanic rocks, and structural setting as Assafou (Figure 1).
Geology: Dominantly underlain by the Tarkwaian-like Koun-Tanda basin and Birimian volcanic and intrusive rocks. The stratigraphy in the basin has a shallow dip, with the dominant structural trends defined by the NNE-SSW faulted unconformity between the basin and the Birimian volcanic rocks, as well as NNW-SSE trending structures.
Mineralisation: Two significant high-grade soil anomalies:
- 8.0 km x 1.1 km: located along a NW-SE trending Assafou parallel structure
- 7.0 km x 3.0 km: located along a NNE-SSW trending favorable structural contact between the Tarkwaian-like Koun-Tanda basin and Birimian volcanic rocks
Figure 1. Assuéfry and Tanda-Iguela permits regional overview with BRGM’s 2005 geology and structural interpretation and Siméon et al., 1995 200k structural interpretation
Exploration Success: On December 24, 2024, Koulou acquired historical data compiled by Etruscan Resources Inc. No assay certificates or QA/QC samples were included in the historical database, however future work will verify historical results and implement 43-101 compliant QA/QC protocols for all sampling methods. The historical data demonstrates significant exploration potential (Figures 1 and 2):
- Drilling and Trenching: Historical results of two diamond drillholes (262.1m) and one trench (110m) include 298 assays. Although these did not adequately test the best part of the soil anomalies, they display broad low-grade intercepts that require further evaluation.
- Stream Sediment Sampling: Results highlight multiple untested areas with highly anomalous gold-in-catchments (Figure 2a).
- Soil Sampling: Robust gold-in-soil anomalies (from 50m x 200m spaced grids) spanning 8.0 km x 1.1 km and 7.0 km x 3.0 km along a NW-SE trending Assafou parallel interpreted “basin opening” structure and along the NNE-SSW faulted contact between the Tarkwaian-like Koun-Tanda basin and Birimian volcanic rocks (Figures 1 and 2b).
Figure 2. Summary and distribution of historical data compiled by Etruscan Resources Inc. on the Assuéfry Permit. a) Stream sediment, drilling, and trenching results; b) Soil, drilling, and trenching results and planned soil sample grids
Future Exploration:
Surface Geochemistry
- Regional soil sampling (50m x 600m) across the entire permit area outside of historical grids to test anomalous gold-in-catchments and historical gold occurrences (Figure 2b)
- Infill soil sampling (50m x 200m) along extensions of already established robust gold-in-soil anomalies and duplication of select historical soil lines to verify historical data (Figure 2b)
- Completed, results expected in Q1 2025.
- Detailed airborne magnetic survey over the entire permit and ground IP surveys over robust soil anomalies
- Up to 20,000m DDH/RC program expected to start in Q4, 2025